Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Funny Honey

I love my rosy-cheeked girl!

Avery is definitely a writer. She loves to write notes, letters, stories, and recently, Ross gave her a ton of post-its. Now she writes instructions on those and sticks them around the house, or labels things, like "Paper" in our home office. She is always thinking, just like me.........Tonight, she wrote down a poem she thought up, and it goes like this:

"Girl Squirrel"

Once there was a girl squirrel

Going to see her friend Earl.

Her name was Madame Curl

(That means she has a curl).

They went to swim for a pearl,
a bright and shiny pearl.

She's in the process of illustrating it, so as soon as she draws Earl and his girl Madame Curl, I'll post the picture. She is just so FUNNY!

1 comment:

  1. Can your little girl get any cuter? Her story is adorable! I can hardly wait to see her illustrations :)


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